Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Crank Steven's Expander

First find a place for him to lay down, with a lot of light above him. (Ignore his "happiness")

I usually have him lay on my bed, and use the ceiling fan light.

The "key" looks like a popsicle stick and should start at the "7 o'clock" position...but this can be tricky (I'll explain later).

He has a few different holes in the Expander. You are aiming for the "middle" hole; From this picture, you really can't see the "middle", but it would be the one on "Top".

If you put the key in the wrong hole, he will start squawking because you will be poking the roof of his mouth.
Very very slowly, put the key tip into the hole. It will go in very easily and does not ever need to be shoved. Its similar to putting a screw through a washer. It is not a tight fit...but you'll feel it when it goes in right.

When its in right, it will feel solid, and if you wiggle it slightly (holding it at the white circle) his whole head will wiggle, but he will not feel any pain. (Keep the blue part of the key near his top front teeth).

It goes in about two millimeters [ ] <--- That much. Basically the "tip" of the key.
Keep the blue part of the key straight up and down.

The way the Orthodontist showed me is to hold the top of the key with a thumb and a finger to keep it upright, and the bottom (white part of the key) with a thumb and finger to move it down...so you will use two hands.

(I wasn't using two hands in the pictures because I was taking the pictures).

While keeping the blue part of the key close to his front top two teeth, gently and slowly push down toward the back of his throat. You will not touch his tongue. It will stop before that, but it will get close. Don't be nervous...this doesn't hurt him.

Below is what it will look like when you have done it right. It will stop on its own. You can't "crank" it too far...unless you force it....but that would cause Steven to squeal and squawk...I don't recommend it.

(By the way, ignore the red "lip stick". He just finished a red slush)
Again, (you should be grasping gently at the white circle) very gently remove the key by letting wiggling it a little so it "falls" out toward his tongue (but don't let it fall). It should come out very easily; sometimes I wiggle it a little bit...but you have to do this part a little faster or Steven will gag. (You are, after all, in his mouth).

When you have it out, the key should be at 10 o'clock. Be careful not to "uncrank" the expander when you are taking the key out. Just let it come out on its own, toward his tongue, and down a little.
Now...the tricky part.

The Expander is like a crank with three holes inside. As you crank it down, you are lining up the next hole for the next day. If you don't crank it far enough, your "7 o'clock" will be more like "8 o'clock". If you try to get the key in the hole (stop laughing) and it doesn't go in correctly, try adjusting the metal part of the key a little to see if the hole might be misaligned.

Every night his Appliance must be cranked. It does not have to be at the same time every day (although we usually do it at 10pm). It expands his jaw 1/4 of a millimeter each time you crank it.

If there is a night that he forgets, DO NOT crank it twice the next day. Just skip that night, and resume regular cranking the next day.

There is a GREAT video on how to do this on You Tube: (If this link doesn't work, goggle "how to crank an orthodontic expander".)

His expander is spring loaded, which means if he dislodges it, it will pop open and could damage his teeth. Not to mention I would have to buy a new one for full price ($1200). So, there are a number of things he cannot eat.

If you want to print out a list, google "Brace Watcher's Diet" and many Orthodontists have the list posted.

Here are a few tips:


Ice (no crunching, please)
Fire Balls
Corn-on-the-cob (may be eaten if sliced off the cob)
Chewing on pencils or pens
Chewing on suckers
Life savers
NO pizza - The crust can damage the Expander
Peppermint sticks
Ribs or chicken (meat may be eaten if sliced off the bone)
Blow Pops
Crisp French Fries
Carrots and Apples (may be eaten if cut into small pieces)
All nuts, i.e. peanuts, cashews

Even though some of these are not food items, chewing on hard objects, such as pen or pencils, can damage your expander.


"Milky Way" bars
Gum (not even Sugar-Free)
"Now or Later" candy
"Gummy Bears"
"Sugar Daddy" candy
"Tootsie Roll"

If you have any problems, please let me know right away. If it breaks or anything serious happens while he is there, I will make arrangements for him to see an Orthodontist in your area. I will check around, just so we are prepared (worst case scenario).

It is normal for him to feel pressure during, and after you crank the expander. If he complains, or can't sleep, give him Advil. Usually he is fine.

Hope this helps. I'm sorry its hard to explain how to do this.

If you don't feel comfortable, I can always find an Orthodontist to show you how to do it the first time.

Call me if you have any questions, and GOOD LUCK!

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